Monday, April 19, 2010

How Does Amy at MySouthCentralTexasmommy Organize Her Coupons!

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I posted yeseterday how Margie does her coupons. Today I thought I would share with you how my good friend Amy over at MySouthCentralTexasmommy organizes her coupons. I will be highlight a differnent person from Mycitymommy this week to help give you some ideas.

I'm sure many of you are wondering what in the world to do with all of these coupons. The key to using your coupons effectively is keeping them organized. I use the Couponizer for coupons that are for products that I know I can get deals on (razors, deodorant, snacks, etc) and then I use the Virtual Filing System to put the rest of the inserts in, so that I don't miss out on deals I may get free or could donate.

There are many ways to do this here are a few:
  • The Couponizer, is an innovative way to track and keep your coupons!

Here is a testimonial for a happy customer: Purchasing my Couponizer was one of the best investments I have ever made. I have kept track of all the money I have saved with my CoupTracker, and I was overwhelmed to see how much money I have been able to save each month. One month, I was able to save almost $40 by using my coupons. The Couponizer also helps me to keep very organized. My shopping list in my Couponizer helps me to keep track of everything I need to purchase and what coupons I can use on my purchases. It has been such a relief going shopping and knowing that I am saving money on almost every shopping trip. My Couponizer is also easy to carry around in my purse. I take it with me everywhere I go. You never know when you'll need a coupon. I highly recommend the Couponizer to anyone who would like to keep better organized and save more of their money.

I personally use the Couponizer and I don't know what I would do with out it. It makes shopping with two little ones much easier!

  • Business Card holders

You can keep your coupons in the slots where you would put business cards. Easily you can separate your coupons from household items to the freezer section.

  • Small Photo Books

You can keep your coupons in small photo books where your coupons just slide in. You can keep a book for the grocery store and your favorite retail store. Then separate your coupons accordingly.

There are many options on how to keep your coupons separate and organized.

Thanks Amy for the great post!

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