Thursday, December 3, 2009

Troubleshooting Printing Target Coupons

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Ever since Target has switched over from a *PDF style of coupons to a **Bricks style, many of you have expressed having trouble downloading the new coupon activator needed to print these new coupons. Hopefully this information , courtesy of Attention Target Shoppers, will help you:

I recommend printing e-centives coupons in Internet Explorer (IE).
When you click an e-centives coupon link, Do you see this Error Message?

“WE’RE SORRY! We are unable to support coupon printing on your system at this time. The coupon print activator is supported on Windows Operating Systems 2000, ME, XP and Vista when used with Internet Explorer 6.x and 7.x, or Firefox 2.0 or 3.0. Coupon Printing is not supported under Linux, Unix, or WebTV platforms. Coupon Printing is not yet supported under Windows operating systems using Internet Explorer 8.x, Firefox 3.5 of Safari 4 or Google Chrome.”

This instruction is for when you are using Internet Explorer: If you received the same message, look toward the top toolbar on your screen. Find the button in between the url and the refresh button. This button is called “compatibility view”. It basically dumbs your system back down to an older version so that you can view web pages that aren’t equipped for the newest operating systems. Once you click “compatibility view” the webpage loads and your screen should show the coupons.

Here are some printing troubleshooting guidelines straight from the E-Centives Help Section:

What operating systems are supported by E-centives?

All of E-centives products and services are available to Windows

Mac OS
All of E-centives products and services are available to Mac OS users. Printable coupons require Mac OS X. WebTV

Unfortunately, E-centives is unable to support the Web TV platform at this time.
e-Centives does not support Internet Explorer on a Mac. If you are using a Mac, please use Safari or Firefox to print coupons. e-Centives does not support Chrome for any platform or Internet Explorer 8.0 for Windows at this time.

Is there another way to print coupons without downloading your plug-in?

No, E-centives Coupon Activator Plug-in is necessary to ensure the secure printing of coupons. However, it takes less than 2 minutes to download, will complete installation automatically and has been engineered to run seamlessly with Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. Plus, once installed, it will enable you to print future coupons powered by E-centives without additional downloads.

Is there another way to print coupons without downloading your plug-in?

Plug-ins are software programs that extend the capabilities of your browser and other applications. For example, some plug-ins give you the ability to play audio samples, view video movies, view PDF documents or print secure coupons from your personal computer.

Is the plug-in safe to install on my computer?

Yes! E-centives Coupon Activator Plug-in has been engineered to run seamlessly with any Windows computer and Mac computers running Mac OS X. Plus, your privacy is always assured (See E-centives’ privacy statement for complete details).

Most plug-ins are developed by third party companies and are designed to extend the capabilities of the original software application. Apple’s QuickTime, Real Media’s RealPlayer, and Adobe’s Acrobat PDF Reader are all examples of third party software plug-ins. You may have noted that Microsoft Internet Explorer states that it might be “dangerous” to accept the download. This “warning” is simply identifying that this plug-in was not developed by the original software developer (in this case Microsoft).

When you download or run programs from the Internet, you want to know that the program comes from a known, reliable source. That’s why, after you click the “accept” or “yes” button to download a program from the Internet to your computer, Internet Explorer uses Microsoft Authenticode technology to verify the identity of the program. Authenticode technology verifies that the program has a valid certificate. This feature eliminates the chance of someone misrepresenting a program that is intended to be malicious or intentionally harmful.

What about my privacy?

E-centives Coupon Activator Plug-in is safe and secure. See E-centives Privacy statement for more information.

Does the plug-in work with my computer’s operating system?

E-centives Coupon Activator Plug-in has been engineered to run seamlessly with any Windows computer and Mac computers running Mac OS X.

What if I got an unexpected error message stating that downloading did not complete?

Please try downloading the plug-in again by re-entering the site from which you were trying to print coupons.

What if my browser doesn’t allow me to download plug-ins?

One of the following may be occurring:

a) You are on a networked computer that does not allow plug-in downloads. Check with your network administrator. b) Your security settings are too high. If you are using Internet Explorer, at the top of your browser, please go to “Tools”, then “Internet Options”, then “Security”. Your settings should be at medium or lower.

What if my printer was not on when coupon tried to print? was out of paper?

If the E-centives plug-in downloaded but was unable to print, turn your printer on, select your printer, make sure there is paper in the printer and try clicking on the original “print coupon” link again. If your coupon still does not print, please contact us at

*(PDF) Coupons that you can save to your computer and print as many times as you like.

**(Bricks) Internet printable coupons that have a unique bar code on each, are tracked by the manufacturer, have a print limit and will only allow you to print limited amounts per compuer (usually two) , and require coupon printing software (to print the barcode).

Thanks Maggie!

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