Monday, July 5, 2010

Parent Summer Travel Ulitimate Giftpack Giveaway

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A couple of days ago I posted "Survey Findings: How Parents Get Savvy About Summer Travel" a great article that I surely can relate to when preparing my family as we head out the door, especially when they we're babies.

In conjunction with Evenflo's Savvy Parents Survey around summer travel One My SLC  Mommy readers will win the "Ultimate Savvy Parent's Car Kit" which includes:
  • $25 Gas Gift Card, a little treat for mom and dad
  • Moist Wipes, for quick car clean up
  • Baby Mirror, to check out rear-facing baby while driving
  • Soft Book, to secure safety of passengers when thrown during tantrum
  • Kid/Parent Friendly CD, to inspire a family sing along
  • Car Dustbuster, for hunting down cheerios between seats
  • Window Shade, to keep the hot summer sun out
  • Animal Crackers and a Snack Trap, to carve cravings
  • Car Organizer, to keep it all arranged neatly
WOW! To be entered into this amazing giveaway just submit a comment about your savvy parent travel tip then fill in the form below. If you don't have a tip, simply enter a comment about the most humorous experience you had traveling (I'm sure you all have one of those)!

Giveaway will end July 19th at Noon!

I look forward to reading your comments! Have Fun!


**Leave a comment at the bottom of this post (not in the form) with your savvy tip. Make sure you leave your initials next to your comment so I'll know who you are -this is mandatory as an entry
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  1. My tip? Bring a portable DVD player! Life saver for us!

  2. we traveled at night knowing the our little one would sleep through the majority of the driving. also we ate at sit down restaurants along the way or had a picnic at a park so they could get some wiggles out. jeni j

  3. Take a map and let older children mark the cities and towns as you go through them.

  4. I let the older kids bring a small bag(backpack) each with books, mp3 and handheld games and for my 9 yo she brings dolls and coloring books along with ds and gameboy) & for the baby I bring her small baby toys and legos and her gerber graduate snacks and a small cooler for drinks for everyone and picnic bag with snacks and bread for sandwiches for everyone else & plus the dvd player

    Tabathia B

  5. My tip is never leave home without snacks or car friendly toys. -Kristi B

  6. lots and lots of snacks and age appropriate books


  7. Lots of snacks/treats, new toys or books, and something that is their favorite toy/blanket!


  8. While traveling, we have one child sit in the middle row and one child in the back row to avoid crossing the imaginary line.

  9. Thanks for having this giveaway.

    Cha Ching Queen

    we always pack lots of snacks for the kids. snacks can be expensive at the airport/airplane

  10. Before a big trip (or a really long road trip) I go buy a bunch of fun treats and toys (usually just from the dollar store) and I save them until we are on the road and start pulling them out once the little one starts to get antsy! It keeps him entertained and makes the trip go by quick!

    On the form I go by Rachel D.

  11. with 4 kids there is never a dual moment in the car. I make sure to have lots of wipes, videos, paper and snacks.

  12. tweet


    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  13. My favorite tip is to have a portable dvd player with Yo Gabba Gabba Videos and of course a change of clothes when the inevitable spill and mishap occurs!


    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  14. We take sippies, snacks soft toys,games and music.

  15. tweet

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  16. tweet

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

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    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  18. Lots of snacks & entertainment!

  19. Always pack a lot of dresses. Thats the main thing I learnt during our first road trip :)

    thabal628 (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. full tummy and fresh diaper!! jbk



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